The Vineyard Ministry Pathway is a new leadership development strategy, designed to assist with the journey towards vocational ministry in the Vineyard. It aims to help leaders from any context to receive the training and support they need in order to step into their calling to ministry.

  • Vineyard Leadership Essentials

    This is a modular leadership training course that will be run in most Vineyard Churches in the UK and Ireland. Covering many of the most important and foundational aspects of leadership, Leadership Essentials is the perfect place to grow in understanding and insight alongside others from your church family.

  • Vineyard Leadership College

    A year-long intensive part-time programme for those experiencing a compelling call to leadership and seeking to invest in that call in an intentional and deliberate way. We anticipate that many of those stepping into vocational ministry or church planting in the coming years, will be graduates of the Leadership College.

  • Launch Training

    A launchpad for those preparing to plant a church or step into church leadership. A series of intensive training environments with follow-on cohorts for support.

  • Theology Training

    We offer our own modular theological training course which lays a solid foundation for Christian life and leadership.

    We also are thrilled to partner with WTC, an accredited theological training college with 12 campuses around the UK and Ireland.

  • Support

    As people step into positions of responsibility and leadership within our movement, we have a wide range of support structures and programmes. These are designed to ensure that each person sets out on the right path, continues in their growth, maintains healthy rhythms and practises, and continues for the long run.


In April 2022 we launched Vineyard Ministry Pathway, a new leadership development strategy, designed to assist with the journey towards vocational ministry in the Vineyard movement. It aims to help leaders from any context receive the training and support they need in order to step into their calling to ministry.

  • We raised initial seed money of £223,000 through an offering at our Vineyard Leadership Gathering.

  • We forged a strategic partnership with Westminster Theological College in order to create an avenue for robust theological study for anyone in the Vineyard.


Within this Pathway, one key step was launching Vineyard College:

  • We have started campuses in five strategic locations: London, Belfast, Cardiff, Nottingham and Aberdeen.

  • Year one College enrolment is 82 students (starting in September 2022), covering five leadership training tracks: Pastoral and Pioneering Leadership, Worship, Youth, Kids and Compassion.

  • The projection for College students is a further 100 students in year 2 and 120 each year after that.

For Vineyard Leadership Essentials:

  • 68 churches have signed up to run a Leadership Essentials course, available to train any potential leader in their churches.

  • 695 students have signed up to study Essentials in year one.


We would like to:

  • Launch additional College campuses across the UK and Ireland making training available to hundreds more people.

  • Make it possible for those on low incomes to study with us, provide theological bursaries, and provide additional training opportunities.

  • Ensure a training track to not only replace retiring Senior Pastors, but also to provide highly trained leaders to plant new churches in strategic locations, deprived areas and places of need.